Infrastructure: Building Financial Foundations

In the realm of Infrastructure, solid financial foundations are vital. Our services encompass comprehensive financial planning, project cost analysis, and risk management strategies to ensure the success of your infrastructure projects.

Optimizing Non-fund-based Limits

In these businesses, non-fund-based limits hold more significance than traditional working capital or bank loans. These limits are a crucial factor influencing growth opportunities in these industries.

Precise Site-wise Cash flow Management

For businesses operating across multiple sites, managing cash flow on a site-by-site basis is vital. Allocating indirect costs such as salaries, finance expenses, and equipment/machinery costs to each site is essential for accurate profitability assessments. Tracking cash flow by site helps determine which areas contribute to free cash flow and guides resource allocation decisions. Additionally, monitoring and implementing escalation billing for material cost changes, depending on the contract nature, can substantially boost margins.

Effective Project Duration Monitoring

A critical aspect of successful project management is tracking project duration through an Estimate to Complete (ETC) approach. Understanding the impact of project delays on overall site profitability is essential for informed decision-making.

Streamlining Government Receivables

Efficiently tracking and recovering withheld amounts from government departments, as well as managing the receipt of Earnest Money Deposits (EMD) and Bank Guarantees (BGs) placed for tenders not awarded, can significantly enhance a company’s cash flow position.

Expedite business growth with Halbe

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